It was difficult taking a shot of fabrics blowing in the wind. But this is a lot of fun sewing. Just remains from other projects. I wonder who machinequilted the backdrop quilt that I bought on sale at a local shop.

Patches I long to get back to. I printed out some new hexagons, so what is hindering the process? Nothing really - just about ten other projects ... such as quilting the last bits of this border...

... which is immensely soothing! Nice pastime for a rainy week end.
Det regner. TV-dag. Alle slappe og giddalause. Store avgjørelser gjøres ang. to eller en etasje. Ser vi kanskje en lysning? Magen til A fungerer igjen etter en uke med "bæsjeleken" - unnskyld uttrykket, men vi har løpt ganske mye fram og tilbake til et visst rom i dette hus i det siste.