fredag, april 29, 2011

Doodeling - learning by doing

I have had some wonderful hours with hoop, linen and floss in hand. It is an immensely soothing activity, and I long to do more. 

A long time ago I tried my hand at embroidery, and had forgotten its charm. Now I am hooked again:) 

It might become a framed memory, but I have yet to find the right frame.

After what feels like the longest winter in a long time, we are enjoying the springing of spring. 

On a different note, a little while ago David gave me an award. Thank you!
I get a bit nummed when this sort of honor is bestowed upon me, so I humbly direct you to a post written after I had been tagged some time ago - here

I am off to fetch the kiddos. Have a lovely week end 

mandag, april 04, 2011


According to my Process Pledge I'm posting a basket I'm working on.

I was inspired by Taryn's Red and White online exhibition, and decided to make a red and white quilt. This will be the center applique block - the other blocks will be shoo flys and four patches.

The grey item looking like a bag that is holding the applique block in place (how I love long sentences) is my rendition of a 'Bunchin'. In last year's class I saw Ms. Saito using a bunchin - a weight - to hold her applique work in check while stitching. She sells them on her site, but they weigh 1,3 kilograms, so the shipping is a little expensive, I think - I mean for merely weight....(I would rather buy her books...) So I made one from cloth and 'bird sand'. Mine weighs 1,4 kg (that's how much I had left of the sand) It works like a charm.

Happy Monday!