fredag, februar 18, 2011

Reversible Zakka Pouch Tutorial

Here is something I have been wanting to do for almost two years...

To save some space here, the tutorial with photographs is
over here.

The recipe is as follows:

You will need:
For outside and lining:
4 strips of fabrics for the front, each: 3'' x 12,5''
4 strips of fabrics for the lining, each:  3'' x 12,5''

The draw string closing fabrics:
2 strips , each cut to 4,5'' x app. 19''

For the 'yo yos':
2 strips of fabric, each cut 2'' x 10''
Medium thick plastic
Surgeon's tape

For the stopper:
1 piece of fabric: 2'' x 3''

Batting, thin yet sturdy polyester batting:
For the bottom:
1 square 4'' x 4''
For the 'body' of the pouch:
1 piece 6'' x 16''.

You will also need a piece of string measured to 22''.


I will be making an*other or more from the tut myself, and add corrections as I go along.

Have a beautiful week end.

3 kommentarer:

Crispy sa...

What a great bag!! Lovely tutorial, I know how much work you put into it :0)


Floh sa...

Thank you so much for your great tutorial. Greetings from Berlin

Helen sa...

Una, the bag turned out great and I'm with Crispy, a lot of work went into making it.
