fredag, mars 28, 2008
Jørgas syskål
My paternal grandmother died six years ago, at the age of ninety two. She taught me how to knit. I was given this wooden bowl afther she passed away. I grew up visiting her every other week end, and this bowl was a central part of her living room, sitting in her corner cupboard - where she also I might add kept the bowl of sweets, which was always filled with chocolate.
As a young girl she made the small stitch sampler that always laid on top of the bowl. The wooden piece is missing a handle, and was used to mend socks. I have seen my gran put it to good use several times. But only recently I had a closer look at it, and to my surprise there was an inscription, written in red ink. It must have been inscribed by one of Jørga's sisters - I can only guess who, but I think I know. It must have been given to her just before she got married to Akka, my father's father, in 1933. Her sister had written: Elsk din Akka og stopp hans hoser. Which would be in English: Love your Akka and mend his socks.
I love the marks the needles have made, engraving the wood.
Twelve triangles quilt so far. The pieces are really small, and one does not use up a lot of fabric. Which makes me think of the women who made quilts to make good use of their scraps. One could make a quilt out of practically nothing. Makes me feel a bit sad and I must say a little guiltridden, and also a bit false, since I go out and buy fabrics. The artform has changed, but I suppose that happens to many aspects of life.
So I guess I should just enjoy what I am doing, and maybe that way humbly remember the women who were not as fortunate as I, but must have found joy themselves in what they were doing. The result of their hands' work really shows this. I am often stunned by how women living through difficult times, could rise above it and make quilts. Even though they mainly were utility quilts, the women making them must have gotten the same buzz making shoo fly quilts and log cabin quilts and others, as modern quilters do.
J leker med lego denne morgenen, vel, nå sover han. Ho = smokk, Emil kan han si. Han hoster en del. I dag ville A til barnehagen. Vi kjøpte nye grønne sko i går. Glitresko uten rem på Hennes. Ikke særlig komfortable, tror jeg, siden de hele tiden må settes på på nytt. Og hun har lært seg det etter hvert.
torsdag, mars 27, 2008
Ni år - Nine years
Nine wonderful years, two amazing toddlers later.
Elsker deg, M
We are having a quiet evening. I have wished for a long time to write a little about my paternal grandmother's sewing basket, or rather sewing bowl. Maybe tomorrow.
Det ble ingen barnehage i dag. Heller ingen søm. Vi lekte - danset - etter YouTube-innfall. Enten ble valget bifalt med et megetsigende nikk, (Jackson 5 - I want you back - sporet et utbrudd: La oss gå og leke NÅ - nå må vi bare skli) eller så ble det nedstemt med hoderisting. Når hun blir takket for noe, kommer svaret kontant med smil: Baare hyggelig!
Hos E trives Joakim - det går bedre og bedre. Ikke fordi det har gått dårlig før, men de siste ukene strener han lykkelig mot døra og vil dra, når vi nevner at hvor han skal. Det er godt. Tirsdag hadde det falt så mye snø, som hadde smeltet såpass for så å fryse til is igjen. På veien opp bakken fra det siste krysset, ble vi sakket av en varevogn som måtte sette ned farten siden det kom en svær trailer i motsatt retning, ned bakken - med varselblinken på. Dermed mistet vi momentum, og ble stående stille. Jeg prøvde å gasse, men nei. Vi skled bare bakover. Til sist stod vi på tvers, bare noen meter fra begynnelsen av bakken, og kom verken hit eller dit. Han som kjørte før oss, kom seilende til fots ned for å "kolla läget". Det hadde jo samlet seg en pen mengde med biler, så tre karer kom til slutt ned og dyttet baken på bilen i rett vinkel, slik at jeg kunne rygge tilbake til en vei, for å snu. Og det gjorde vi. Vi kjørte til Rema og så hjem. Amanda var ikke i form, så vi var hjemme alle sammen, i og med at Mats også måtte ta det rolig. Ingen undervisning den dagen (han vikarierer denne våren også).
Nå går Antikrundan i bakgrunnen. Vi har en stille kveld. Jeg vil prøve å skrive om bestemor og hennes sykurv, eller nærmere bestemt syskål.
Hand versus machine
Two projects. The green and red is a part of my hand pieced sampler, and the one below is a twelve triangles block done by machine. Love to do both. The labeling of something done by hand or machine is odd, I think. Does one not use one's hands while piecing using a mechanical device?
I have found a way to systemize the cutting of the triangles, and I am eager to start, but A is at home and chores have to be performed. Later.
Jeg har opprettet konto hos Flickr. For mange bilder relatert til meg, som jeg håper jeg kan få organisert litt bedre.Amanda har sovet lenge, og vi skal til barnehagen når hun våkner. J hos E. I dag har vi vært gift i ni år!
fredag, mars 14, 2008
Friday night. Everyone else in bed - TV show in the background, some fellows competing who can stay the longest in the sauna, with clothes on. Red cheeks all around no one giving up. 110 degrees celsius now. They give up. Good.
I have two quilts in the making at the moment that I both call windmillquilts, although someone else might call them something else - all the fascinating names for different blocks! I suppose it only shows that different people from different cultural bakcgrounds and times connote differently to patterns. I like the idea of that.
Anyway this is the quilt I got to baste with my good friend at her house last month. As usual a lovely evening. She has a co-worker from Japan, who also quilts. Maybe we all could go to Tokyo one day (preferably in January) to see the International festival of Quilts held there each year.
The quilt has been in my drawer for quite some time. I actually made the top ten years ago, at the time I met my husband. As he is a Swede, my working title for it is "Winds from the East". He swept me off my feet, you might say.
It is a quilt top made from surplus fabrics from an Ohio star quilt - which was my second quilt (maybe third - if a small wallhanging which was my first - counts)
My other "Windmill" laid out on my design floor - others have design walls, I know, I know.
The process of making this is thouroughly enjoyable. I cut my half square triangles after instructions from a book by Marsha McCloskey. The technique is accurate and fast. Leaves a lot of surplus triangles though, but they will be put to good use in good time. Just don't know how yet, but triangles are so versatile, I have no worries about finding a way to use them up. Looking forward to it as a matter of fact.
Nighty night!
Oh another thing. I have fallen completely and utterly in love with Faithy Trumbull. There will be several encounters with her in the future, as I have succumbed to ordering the magazine. Thank you Lucy - once again.
Flere ord: Opp. Ap = Postmann Pat. Eis = Små Einsteins. Neida, vi ser ikke mye på tv her i gården. Nei da. Tø/Me = tørst. Amama = Amanda
onsdag, mars 12, 2008
Spring cold
Sneezing and resting to get well.
I love to learn new techniques and hear of useful tips. And a newfound friend, Lily, has the most lovely weblog. I don't know how to describe her work. Just amazing. My cup of tea, would be an appropriate but unsufficient description. She posted a tutorial on hexagons. So fun to make. And they appear to be very complex in the making, but are not!
Here are some of the circles I have made so far on my ever so slowly growing quilt.
I goofed up, as the Americans say. While chatting on the train home from work with my colleague and neighbour, I misplaced the setting of the block I was working on. So that produced what felt like two new blocks, but of course it was just one extra.
Some laundry calls my name, and my children need to be fetched from Kindergarten.
Flere av Joakims ord: KO = bok, KA=kanin, katt. Amanda på vei til barnehagen: Når jeg blåser blobler, ler M. Et mors hjerte er bløtt, takknemlig.
I love to learn new techniques and hear of useful tips. And a newfound friend, Lily, has the most lovely weblog. I don't know how to describe her work. Just amazing. My cup of tea, would be an appropriate but unsufficient description. She posted a tutorial on hexagons. So fun to make. And they appear to be very complex in the making, but are not!
Here are some of the circles I have made so far on my ever so slowly growing quilt.
I goofed up, as the Americans say. While chatting on the train home from work with my colleague and neighbour, I misplaced the setting of the block I was working on. So that produced what felt like two new blocks, but of course it was just one extra.
Some laundry calls my name, and my children need to be fetched from Kindergarten.
Flere av Joakims ord: KO = bok, KA=kanin, katt. Amanda på vei til barnehagen: Når jeg blåser blobler, ler M. Et mors hjerte er bløtt, takknemlig.
onsdag, mars 05, 2008
I really don't know life at all...
Trappa - garbage?
Ja, nå begynner huset å miste sine symbiotiske trekk. Trappa kappes opp til ved. Her er ikke virusbasillene ute av kroppen ennå, så jeg håper at en dag hjemme vil hjelpe på. Barna er i sine respektive "institusjoner", som jeg kom til å si i går på jobb. Damene begynte å lure på hva slags mor jeg er, ha ha.
Kutter og tegner opp flere sirkler og halvmåner til Jane-teppet. Det blir spennende å "finne" midtstykket.
Ellers hørte jeg Kaffe Fassetts ode til radioen. Han var med på et program for noen uker siden. Tror det heter Midweek. Veldig interessant program. En journalist som intervjuer aktuelle kulturpersonligheter i stuido.
Det hamres og P4 står på for fullt der oppe. Men lydisolert er det! Joni Mitchell kom med i dragsuget, dog. Ikke verst.
En applikert dame fra Civil War Diary-boken, som så mange for tiden lager lapper fra i blogosfæren. Senere.
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